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Conservation Commission Minutes 10/06/05
minutes 10/6/05, approved 10/20/05
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78 Main Street, Hudson, MA 01749
(978) 568-9625

Martin Moran, Chairman          David Esteves, Member           Misty-Anne Marold, Member
Paul Byrne, Member              Joseph Rodrigues, Member                Judith Sabourin, Member
W. Minot Wood, Member
October 6, 2005, 7:00 P.M.

1.0     Preliminaries
1.1.    Marty Moran opened the meeting at 7:0 0 PM
1.2.    Roll Call:  Chairman Marty Moran, Vice Chairman Paul Byrne, David Esteves, Misty-Anne Marold, Joe Rodrigues and Katrina Proctor.  Judy Sabourin arrived at 7:30 PM.
1.3.    Additions or deletions to the agenda

2.0     Hearings and Appointments 7:00 P.M.
2.1     Continuance - Notice of Intent (DEP #190-457)
        Applicant/Owner:  Todd Marsh, Paramount Construction
        Location:  Coolidge Street Map 19 Parcels 214 & 215
Project Description:  Construction of a retail store, associated parking lot and retaining walls within the Buffer Zone of Bordering Vegetated Wetlands.        


Steve Poole stated that the Planning Board met on Monday night and gave approval of the Site Plan with the condition that the sidewalk be added to the plans.  Poole added there will be no additional grading.  Poole noted that the Planning Board abutter notification was inaccurate and the abutters in the condominium association were not notified.  The Planning Board hearing will have to re-open.
Poole noted that he did not see the DEP comment letter until this evening.  He will address the concerns in that letter, providing more detail on the bridge and to specify where the flood plain is located.  Poole will also provide the Operation & Maintenance Plan be provided in a separate document.

Hudson’s DPW reviewed the stormwater management plan for the Planning Board.  The Conservation Commission will request a review letter from DPW.

Paul Byrne made a motion to continue the hearing to October 21st, seconded by Dave Esteves with all in favor.
2.2     Continuance Hearing
Notice of Intent (DEP 190-463)
Applicant:  David J. Quinn
Project Description:  construction of a gravel access driveway from Old North road to the proposed building site of Lot #2, including work in the Buffer Zone and a “limited project” wetland crossing.

Steve Poole described the revised plans submitted on 9/29/05.  The replication area has been relocated.  The drainage structure has been moved outside of the wetland area per DEP’s comment letter.  The centerline of the driveway is partially staked out.  Poole would like the Commission’s opinion about the driveway wetland crossing.  He is considering relocating it.

A site visit was scheduled for Monday October 10th at 3:00 PM.
Poole noted that the Planning Board’s consultant, SEA has reviewed the proposal.

Marty Moran requested that the details on the revised plan agree.

Marty Moran made a motion to continue the hearing to October 20st, seconded by Paul Byrne with all in favor.

2.3     Request for Determination (HUD #317)
Applicant:  Rivers Edge Realty Trust
Location:  Lot 3 River’s Edge Subdivision
Project Description:  to construct a single family house on the lot, including a portion of the access driveway on site grading within the buffer zone of bordering vegetated wetlands.  Also, there are drainage facilities on the lot related to the proposed subdivision roadway which are covered by a separate Order of Conditions.  Erosion controls approved for the subdivision will also be utilized for this lot.

There was some discussion on the use of the vent pipes on the septic systems in this project.  Steve Poole said that he prefers to use them because they extend the life of a septic system.

Judy Sabourin arrived at 7:30 PM

There was discussion on the amount of fill (4,500 sf).  The house has been staked out.
A site visit was scheduled for October 10th at 3:00 PM and Lot 2 North Road site visit will be after.

Paul Byrne made a motion to continue the hearing to October 20th, seconded by Misty-Anne Marold with all in favor.

Judy Sabourin excused herself from the meeting at 7:55 PM.

2.4     Notice of Intent (DEP # 464)
Applicant:  David Petkauskos (Construction Resources Inc.)
Location:  Lot 9 Elaine Circle
Project Description:  construction of a single family house, including site grading, septic system, landscaping, driveway and utilities, portions of which are within the Buffer Zone of Bordering Vegetated Wetlands.

Steve Poole presented a revised plan.  The Commission requires the 25 ft. Buffer Zone to be demarcated with 3 ft. X 3 ft. boulders placed 10 ft. on center.

Judy Sabourin returned to the meeting at 8:00 PM.

Paul Byrne made a motion to close the public hearing and issue a standard order of condition with one special condition as follows:

1)      The 25 ft. Buffer Zone will be demarcated with 3 ft. X 3 ft. boulders placed 10 ft. on center.

        The motion was seconded by Joe Rodrigues with all in favor.

2.5     Notice of Intent (no DEP # issued yet)
Applicant:  Grace Baptist Church
Location:  399 River Rd.
Project Description:  construction of a parking area and associated stormwater management system within the 100 ft. Buffer Zone of a Bordering Vegetated Wetland.

Josh Allison explained that the plan shows all work outside of the Buffer Zone.  The project has not been submitted to the Planning Board yet.  The retention basin has been sized for a 100-year storm.

Marty Moran made a motion to close the hearing and issue a standard order of conditions, seconded by Joe Rodrigues.

It was noted that the DEP number has not been issued yet.  Since all work is outside the Buffer Zone the Commission agreed closing the hearing was appropriate.

2.6     Dennis Chaves presented a revised plan for 69 Fort Meadow Rd. (DEP 190-442).

David Esteves noted that the beach area is larger in the new plan.  A 4-ft. block interlocking wall has been added for plantings and seating.  There is a change to the stairs by staggering the stairways on each level.  The patio has been moved to the second tier.  Pavers will be used for better drainage rather than concrete.

Misty-Anne Marold recommended that they be very careful with fertilizers.  The Commission discussed the need to create a policy regarding fertilizers.  Misty-Anne recommended native shrubs such as sourwood, service berry, viburnums and pinus flexis.

Marty Moran made a motion to accept the amended plan dated 9/29/05, for 69 Fort Meadow Road, seconded by Misty-Anne Marold with all in favor.

2.7     Billy Glen, developer of the River’s Edge Subdivision appeared before the Commission
to discuss a Conservation Restriction on “Parcel B” of the subdivision.  Proctor noted that the Planning Board approved the Definitive Subdivision Plan which includes a condition that “Parcel B” will be  permanently protected by a Conservation Restriction governed by the Hudson Conservation Commission or by agreement with Sudbury Valley Trustees or similar organization prior to issuance of any occupancy permits.  Billy Glen stated that he wants to do what ever the Town wants and would be willing to gift the land to the Town.  After discussion, the Commission decided that they would prefer to accept the property as a gift and place a Conservation Restriction on the parcel.  The Commission asked Proctor to talk to Michelle Ciccolo, Selectmen’s Administrative Assistant about it.

3.0     Work Session
3.1     Minutes
3.1.1   Paul Byrne made a motion to approve the minutes of September 18, 2005, seconded by Marty Moran with all in favor.
3.2     Vouchers
3.2.1   Commonwealth of Mass – Secretary of State $60.00 (Agent’s Notary License)  Marty Moran made a motion to sign the voucher for $60.00 for state notary license for the Agent Katrina Proctor, seconded by Joe Rodrigues with all in favor.
3.2.2   The Commission discussed possibly hiring temporary help to input old file data into the new Conservation database.   This would be an appropriate use of the Wetlands Filing Fee account.  Marty Moran asked if it is necessary to input old data.  Proctor noted that the old data which was imported into our database was very minimal, only listing property address and what type of filing.  Proctor felt that data look up is helpful with new filings as you can track the activity on properties.  Proctor will speak to the town offices to find out the requirements for hiring temporary help.  The possibility of using students was discussed.

3.2.3   Budget FY’07 – The Commission will request $20,000 the maintenance of Conservation Land (signs, gates, GPS mapping etc., surveying)

3.3     Sign the Determination for HUD #315, Lot 7 Elaine Circle (revised plan received) Signed by the Commission.
3.4     Discuss Danforth Woods re:  potential water supply.  Proctor informed the Commission she had a discussion with Tony Marques that Danforth Woods has been identified as a second choice for the water study.  Marques would like to discuss this with the Commission at the meeting November 3rd.  He is proposing test wells on the property.
3.5     Discuss Lamson Park – spillway cover options.  Proctor reported that Tony Marques has asked the Commission for feedback on the spillway cover options at Lamson Park.  Options included a chain link fence or a cascading grate.  The Commission prefers the cascading grate.  Proctor will pass the information on to Tony Marques.
3.6     Sec. Of Environmental Affairs, Stephen R. Pritchard press event Friday, October 7th 10:30 PM – Canal Walk – Noted.
3.7     Discuss Lot 215 Coolidge St. Determination (HUD # 316) – KP informed the Commission of recent events at the property noting that the LSP for the site has kept the Commission up to date with the situation regarding removing contaminated materials.  The property is now cleaned up.  There were additional DEP Requirements because the material removed exceeded 100 cu. yards.  The permit issued by the Commission only permitted the removal of 20 cu. yards as per the request.  Proctor stated that since the LSP worked with her and provided written reports, she felt that the project could continue under the Determination.
3.8     Discuss River’s Edge Conservation Restriction – (See 2.7 above)

4.0     Correspondence
4.1     Request for Recommendations 10/5/05 Zoning Board of Appeals – Special Permit to build in the Watershed Protection District – The Commission will provide comments that they have issued and Order of Conditions for this project.
4.2     FY’07 Budget Package (See 3.2.4)
4.3     Certificate of Approval of a Definitive Plan – River’s Edge – Noted.
4.4     Simrah Gardens – 9/15/05 Erosion Control Report - Noted
4.5     Enstrat – Lot 215 Coolidge St. (RDA – HUD #316) – (Noted)
4.6     Pine & Swallow – Release Abatement Measure – 40 Lakeside Ave. (re:  Emergency Order) – Noted.
4.7     EOEA – Hudson received the Urban River Vision Grant $36,032 Tannery Brook Canal Walk. – Noted.
4.8     RK Associates – 205 Washington St. – catch basin cleaning. – Noted.
4.9     Planting Plan received for Tripp’s Pond – HUD #308 – It was noted that Mr. Cadwgan has proposed the plan, however, the Park Department is not submitting this plan and may decide to allow the bank to grow back naturally.  The current situation with the removed/palleted loosestrife was discussed.  The Commission recommended that possibly BP Trucking who operates the Transfer Station may be willing to bring the loosestrife to an incinerator.  Proctor will talk to BP Trucking.

5.0     Pending – all noted.
5.1     Enforcement Order River’s Edge Zina Farms (DEP 190-0440)
5.2     Create an Order of Conditions inspection sign off card.
6.0     Advertisements and Conferences – all noted.
6.1     Friends of the Assabet River National Wildlife Refuge
6.1.1   Sunday October 2 (1-5PM) – Invasive Plant Identification and Removal
6.1.2   Invasive Plant Removal – Invasive Plant Removal, Friday September 30, October 5, October 8.
6.2     Trust for Public Land – invite for free Land & People Magazine
6.3     American Public Health Association Annual Meeting/New Orleans - Rescheduled to Philadelphia, PA due to “Hurricane Katrina” December 10 – 14th.
7.0     Commentary
7.1     Budget Packets due October 21, 2005 – Noted.
8.0     Adjournment

Marty Moran made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:00 PM, seconded by Paul Byrne, with all in favor.

Minutes respectfully submitted by:

Katrina Proctor
Conservation Agent